A Leap of Faith

So much has happened, and it’s only the beginning-

In March, Anna and I felt it was time for us to quit our job of nine years, which also meant leaving our home of nine years. The decision to give up everything we loved, did not come easily. The space, land, the flexibility, security… all of it, to pursue a dream that had been on our hearts for quite some time. We had no idea what was going to happen next, we just knew God was speaking. So, we did.

We wrote our resignation email, which was more of a vision. We shared our dream, our hearts for young people, and how we felt like we needed to pursue growing Father’s Tracks, the 501(c)3 we began in 2020; and with tears flowing, we pushed the send button. What would transpire in the next week would be nothing short of a miracle- Father’s Tracks was given the opportunity to purchase the very same ranch that we had been living and working on, to run our nonprofit ministry full time.

The sheer excitement when I got off the phone, I’m sure could be seen from a mile away. I was jumping, leaping, running, yelling; my face hurt I was smiling so much. I ran home, “You won’t believe what just happened!”

Anna and I sat in awe at what just transpired. And honestly, it’s hard to put into words even now as I am writing this. WHAT DID JUST HAPPEN? All I can say is that when you put your faith in Jesus and you let HIM BE GOD, greater things than you can ever imagine will happen.

So what now? That’s great they’ll sell the ranch to the ministry but how will we raise the money to purchase a property worth such a great amount, how will we get insurance? Can we raise enough monthly support to sustain? The litany of “what if’s” and “what now's” seemed endless.

Needless to say, we have been busy the last 6 months. We have started fundraising, networking, talking to non-profit lawyers, putting together a board of directors, fundraising some more, working on our website and social media accounts, etc.

We hosted our third summer camp in July at which 20 boys got to attend. We fished, hiked, swam, competed in games and challenges, ate good food, and we sat around the campfire as we learned about becoming brave, bold, and courageous in a world that needs young men to stand up for what is right. We shot archery, built relationships, and watched the stars; we simply enjoyed God’s creation in the great outdoors. But the best part was that 14 of those boys accepted Christ for the first time that weekend!

That’s what this is all about. Discipling and mentoring the next generation of young men through the outdoors. Raising up, equipping and empowering them to take risks and challenging them to grow in leadership, character, and faith.

This October, we will host our first high school leadership retreat where we will focus on instilling leadership skills and carrying one another’s burdens. We need young men who will stand up for others, who will walk with character and integrity, who will serve their communities and who will stand up for what is right. We believe in these young men with all our hearts, which is why we are getting ready to launch a young men’s group called “Forged”. Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”.

We don’t just want to host a fun camp and then send these boys out on their own, we want to walk along side of, mentor & disciple, and create a brotherhood they know they can depend on.

So how can YOU help?

1. Pray for these young men.

2. Pray for us. That we would have wisdom and discernment as we continue to grow Father’s Tracks and navigate buying this property.

3. Give. The property is worth $1,000,000. We are needing one-time donations to obtain the ranch as well as monthly support as we continue to DO ministry along the way.


Thank you to those of you who have given, who have prayed, who have helped with boots on the ground, and those of you who have supported us. We are encouraged and humbled by the many who have believed in our vision and have helped us make this dream a reality.


What’s in Store for 2024