Coby and Anna and their three kids live in rural, Northern California; a place they love and call home. While they are passionate about the outdoors: hunting, fishing, and camping, they are even more passionate about raising up the next generation of young men to be leaders, committed husbands, and present fathers. Something they believe our culture needs more of.

This passion to invest in the next generation began in the early years of their marriage and has multiplied and become even greater through their own journey of raising kids in today's world.

"I was fortunate enough to be raised by my own father who led by example and laid tracks before me to follow in, which set the foundation of who I am today. I also had amazing mentors in my life who walked along side me, encouraged & believed in me, and most importantly- pointed me to a Heavenly Father whose love is never failing. They exemplified what an authentic life of living in our Father's Tracks looks like. I strive to be the same for our next generation of young men."

"Using our passion for the outdoors to invest in the next generation and defending the fatherless is what we're all about. We are His hands and He is our Source".