What We Do

Father’s Tracks is a Non-Profit organization aspiring to develop masculine Christian character in young men of all ages and backgrounds. Donations are used to maintain the ability to offer outdoor camps and leadership retreats as well as mentor and sponsorship programs for young men.

we rely on the generosity of donors to help revive masculinity in the next generation of young men.

Studies have found that:

The kids who spend more time outdoors, have-

  • more improved outcomes in life than those who don't

  • a more positive behavior

  • less anger, aggression,

    depression & stress

  • increased focus, and are healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually


Furthermore, kids who have a mentor or someone investing in them on a regular basis are-

  • 46% less likely to engage in illegal drugs

  • 33% less likely to engage in violence

  • 53% less likely to skip school

What can we do? Mother Teresa said it well, “Do for one

what you wish you could do for all.”